Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Great! Another stupid blog by someone nobody knows, about stuff that nobody cares about!

I won't deny that the world needs another blogger like it needs another lawyer (Q. what do you call 5000 bloggers at the bottom of the ocean? A. A good Start), but I feel the need, if only for myself, to write my thoughts down for posterity (sounds grandiose).

My mind has always worked like the internet, various random thoughts strewn throughout space that are linked in some sort of ordered chaos. I wouldn't say I have ADD, but my mind seems to wander, not minute by minute or hour by hour necessarily, but what I find interesting this week may be filed away as a new interest takes it's place and therein lies the reason I selected the title "Haphazard Banal Elucidations" which loosely means: random ordinary explanations.

What will I explain, or make clear? Likely nothing, however, it might be fun going "down the rabbit-hole" and into the "Wonderland" that is my mind.

Currently I plan to update at least once a week, but once in the groove, three to fives times a week seems optimal.

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